Friday, October 20, 2006

Samson speaks….
I had attended a tutorial and left a library book in the classroom. I did not realise until about 2 hours after my tutorial had ended when I was back at home. I quickly took the car and rushed down to school to take a look. To my horror, the book wasn't in the classroom. I went to the library to check if anyone had returned the book but it returned a null. The library book wasn't borrowed by me but was a friend's and I was supposed to help return it. I messaged my friend about it and said that I would bear whatever cost that was needed. What made matters worse was the cost of the book. It was retailing at US$100 online! *gasps* I wasn't prepared to pay so much but if need be I would have to.

I prayed to God along the way to school and even back at home. I was panicky yet I felt the peace of God and tried to put the problem behind me.

Later at night, my friend told me the library sent an email stating that the book has been found! Praise God for His grace!

p/s: I’m sure God has been good to you too, so.. SEND your praise reports to

Prayer Pointers

1. Obstacles

Pray that these young people will overcome the booby trap of bad advice. That they will not be dragged down by their friends who're not from church.

"Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong"
Exodus 23:2

2. Regular YPMers

Pray that these regular ypmers will continue to come with the right purpose - these are the future leaders of YPMERS.

Pray that they'll continue to grow spiritually, to have this passion in the long run, and nv grow tired of serving the Lord

3. November Outreach

-God's presence be there

-Many non-christians will be saved that day.

-Good follow up done by every group.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Joanna speaks….
I’ve just quit my job. It seems as if I’ve been in the company for a few years when it’s been only 3 months. I’ve learnt a lot of leadership and management stuff in this company.

The amazing thing is how God never seems to stop paving my future for me. Many things I many not understand, like why my shop closed, or why I’ve to be in this company and then quit and join another company, but He has shown me that I never need to worry bout what I’ll do next. Cos when it’s time to move on, job opportunities just suddenly seem to run to you.

Many of my colleagues have quit, some earlier den me, one the same time with me. But with the grace of God, I’ve gotten a job so much faster then they have. With such little qualifications, it may seem impossible to get a good job, but God always open doors! So..continue to trust in Him, cos God never fails us! J

p/s: I’m sure God has been good to you too, so.. SEND your praise reports to

Prayer Pointers
1.Self-discipline in terms of delayed gratification

Many young people want instant and immediate results, answers and gratification. Their mentality might be 'play now, suffer later', or 'who cares? I’m living for myself', etc.

Pray that they will be disciplined to set aside time for God first, rather than for themselves. They will also be disciplined when it comes to revising for their exams or doing work. They will focus on doing what is right, e.g. by studying instead of playing computer games.

Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.
Titus 1:8
2. Trust that God will look after us. Thank Him for meeting our needs.

Don't take God for granted. Thank Him for providing and sheltering us.
Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Luke 12:22-31

Brand New Week!

hi guys!!

due to prayer pointers always sent at the last minute,and the lack of time i have to upload and prepare evewrything,i apologise to those who've been checking up on this site,yet still no updates.

But's still not too late to pray for last week's praer here's last week's praise report and prayer pointers.

If u've Praise REPORTS, PLS PLS PLS send to me at yeah? thk u! Look forward to hearing from you guys! :)

Joanna speaks….
What does intercessory prayer means?? How do we become intercessors? I’ve always wanted to be an intercessor with many testimonies to tell, yet sometimes, I feel I’m not sensitive enough to intercede at the specific time.

Well, my 1st intercessory came a few weeks ago. My dad went to China for a mission trip.2 days after he left, my mum asked me to pray for him during family altar. I didn’t know what to pray because I wasn’t fluent praying in mandarin. So I thought, “aiya, just pray whatever comes out la” I prayed that God will send thousands of angels to protect them. The nxt day, I had a dream. I dreamt that there were people after my dad. I shrugged it off when I woke up. But kept thinking of it on my way to work. So I thought,better just pray for my dad’s safety.

When my dad came back, he shared bout how they were always putting their luggages into different cars all the time because they were being watched. And it so happened around the same time I prayed. So thank God!! God protected my dad and Uncle Peng Kin thru intercessors like me!!! J

Prayer Pointers

We'll be focusing in on reaching a generation that is lost. Jesus said, "Do not say 3 more months and then the harvest. Look at the fields, they are white for harvest. Only the labourers are few." The harvest is NOW!

The Holy Spirit is convicting lives and hearts like never before.. It is clear to all that the end is near. Earthquakes, floods, war and other natural disasters. The End-time harvest is here and after that, the end will come. I believe the Spirit of God is also moving in individual hearts to come to Jesus. We must pray that our hearts are ready to reap the harvest.


1. Pray for a hunger to see the lost come to Jesus. Pray for willing labourers.

2. Pray for divine appointments.

3. Pray for November outreach.

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