Friday, February 23, 2007


Prayer Meeting 23 February 2007

Praise Report!!!

Joshua speaks..

Group Joshua was birthed about 3 years ago which later multiiplied into Joshua, Timothy and Barnabas. Thank God for his providence throughout the years and for blessing the group with an Asst Leader like Jesslyn who has made an impact in the lives of the ladies. Thank God for the people in the group as well, each and every individual!

Thank God for keeping this wonderful group of people who have been coming faithfully week after week togethe. It's really a joy to see the lives of my group members changing for the better with time and being more involved in serving within the church. It's also encouraging to see many of them becoming more interested in the word of God.

Thank God for keeping this group together, though it has a diverse mix of people, they are still able to communicate and forge relationships with each other though there's still room for improvement to deepen their relations.

Praying for JOSHUA this week!!!
Pls pray…

1. For members to be deeply rooted in the Word of God and passionate for God.

2. For members to be more connected with each other and not just ones that they are familiar with.

3. For members to rise up and serve in various capacities.

4. For members to begin reaching out to those around them.

5. For an older female member in the group.

6. For Samson to have more wisdom in managing the group, better time management and able to speak life into the members.

Got a praise report? Email it to or SMS or TELL JOANNA u haf one!and she’ll contact you for need to type if u’re lazy. :D

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Prayer Meeting 15 February 2007

Praise Report!!!

Levi speaks..

Levi was formed at the end of 2001, things weren’t smooth sailing initially. The members dreaded attending cell group and we were not bonded at all. Thank God for members who were willing to speak out, give suggestions and express how they were feeling, under the leadership of Jon and Kamun, our cell got closer and you can feel the love in the group.

Things got more challenging after Jon and Ka mun left, and during camp last yr, it felt as if Levi was starting all over again, with new members forming the group and just a couple of cell members to support this group.

Thank God, by His grace and love, the new members had fun during the camp, and some,not all of them have been coming regularly for YPM. It hasn’t been easy, but we believe that God’s gonna work in this grpoup this yr!

We also want to give God all glory for the good results the poly students and ‘O’ Levels students achieved recently.
“Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit says the Lord” – Zec 4:6

Praying for LEVI this week!!!
Pls pray…

1. That Levi be able to cater to the large age group that are present in the group

2. That the girls in the cell be able to have a mentor. Presently, Joanne has stepped forth to fill this role. Do pray for her to have the Lord's guidance.

3. That Levi be able to raise up more core members. Presently there is only Melvyn, Cooper and Aaron.

4. Levi presently has many influxes of new members. These members are undecided, as in they have yet to commit fully to attending YPM.

5. Pray for the leaders and core of Levi, that we may learn to manage the cell with the Lord guiding our paths.

6. Pray for the members, that they may receive the spiritual norishment they need; and for those who provide it, to have their bible studies "God-breathed"

7. Pray for cliques to be broken, so that new people may find it comfortable in the group.

Got a praise report? Email it to or SMS or TELL JOANNA u haf one!and she’ll contact you for need to type if u’re lazy. :D

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Finally!!! Due to bloger giving me problems whenever i wanna upload any posts....u will notice there hasn't been much updates.
Seriously, i really need someone or some pple to volunteer with this blog. Ain't got tt time to change the template and stuff.. any kind volunteers?? pls approach me ok?? I'll gladly welcome u!!hehe...

so here's the past 2 prayer pointers. We're gonna be praying for cell grps!look out for the week we'll be praying for ya cell! ;)

09 February 2007

Praise Report!!

Petra Speaks…

Praise God for Petra! We have gone from strength to strength in the past few years and members have noted that we are more united as a cell group, especially after last year’s camp. Average monthly attendance has increased from 8 in October to 10.75 in January. Aside from this, members have also said that they feel more willing to share their experiences and problems in cell group and have a sense of belonging. The camaraderie in Petra is nothing short of God’s grace, for we have learnt to love and care for one another more, especially in the past year or so. Conflicts merely serve to foster cohesion within the group rather than cause cracks that would undermine the dynamics of Petra. We have been encouraged by the many that have joined our family and the support that can be found in mutual prayers and encouragement.

It is truly heartwarming to see members grow in the Lord or see them come to Christ, accepting the gift of salvation. Indeed, we thank God for His favour upon us. Though we may not know what God has in store for us in future, we trust in our Provider for bountiful blessings and greater guidance! All glory be unto Him!

Cell of the Week - - - > PETRA!!


- A family-like environment in the LG, where members are committed to each other, and care for and feel cared by other members

- Deeper LG bonds: Deeper friendship among LG members so that everyone will feel connected, look forward to seeing each other again, brighten each others' days and are able to freely share with each other


- Spiritual growth: For Petra to be a place where everyone will be fed spiritually and grow together into greater Christian maturity


- That members can exercise their spiritual giftings and minister to each other, to YPM, the church and the world through these giftings.

02 February 2007

“Prayer changes us and therein lies its GLORY and its PURPOSE” – Hannah Hurnard

God wants us to pray, so that we live not on our Strength but thru His, and He wants us to Pray, so that thru PRAYER, will He be GLORIFIED. So….keep praying because it not only changes us, but His glory and purpose is revealed!


· For Christ to be exalted and given pre-eminence in all that we say and do.
· An intense love and a holy reverence for God and His word.

· More fully comprehend their worth and their identity in Christ, and in Him alone. (Eph. 2:10)
· A commitment to daily, consistent time with God

· A commitment to come regularly for YPM/LG, not forsaking the gathering of believers (Heb. 10:24-25)
· come rain or come shine, CCAs, exams, other friends etc.
· Filled with excitement & anticipation when coming to YPM/LG/ other activities
· A true community doing life together
· Have strong relationships formed in the Life Group where we can truly hold one another accountable.

· To be a good witness for Christ - excellence in studies/CCA etc, an example for all believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, in purity, according to the exhortation in 1 Tim 4:12 - in all relationships.

· To use their God-given gifts and talents to serve Him and His people. That everyone (75% or more) will find a ministry to serve God in (by the end of this year) – whether his or her service is church wide or just within the life group.

· To rejoice in His sure salvation and to express that joy through their worship of Him - both individually and corporately.

For the Leader – Amelia
· For the strength, grace and anointing to accomplish the task & the ministry that God has given me as leader of Timothy LG - [and to do that] with joy, humility & perseverance

· Knowing that nobody in the group is here by coincidence and that each and every person has been divinely chosen by the Sovereign God to be part of the group at this time, to rejoice and give thanks over the lives of each individual that God has brought into Timothy LG. (Phil. 2:13)

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