Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometimes....because Prayer meeting is done differently, we're unable to post whatever we do on Fridays on this Encourage you to join us for prayer meetings whenever you can. SERIOUSLY, PRAYER does CHANGE LIFE!!'s this week's praise report!! for prayer pointers? well...just pray as the spirit leads you to. :)

Praise Report!
Joanna speaks….
Once again God has shown me what is impossible with men, is possible with Him. On my 2nd week into my job, my manager assigned me to co-work with my senior on this bulk recruitment project. My senior, emphasized how important this project is, and how we cannot afford to fail. I felt excited, yet much pressured. Being a greenhorn at sourcing for interviewers, I kinda just ‘anyhow’ assume and shortlist candidates for the interview. My instincts told me that these people aren’t really customer oriented, and a gut feeling that they may not excel.

On tt day of the interview, only 2 out of 12 candidates were selected for the job. I was expected to haf at least 10 selected. That day, what could go wrong, just went wrong, and there were tears in my eyes at the end of the project. I knew, I hadn’t trusted God, nor had I relied on His strength.

I was given a 2nd chance. This time round, I fell sick on Tuesday, which means, I only had Friday and Monday to arrange for and interview, and Wednesday to get all their necessary documents ready for Thursday. I was really really scared, I literally prayed everywhere I am, and while I was doing QT on Wednesday night, I was reminded that only God can do the impossible. I prayed that my candidates may find favour in the eyes of the interviewers. I decided to let go of the burden, and trust that God is in control. Even if I fail this time, I know He has a purpose and a reason for it. I was prepared for the worst.

Being very competitive, my senior constantly reminded me that she has shortlisted more candidates than I have, made me worry even more, because she’s supposed to have better foresight than I have. On the day of the interview, my senior’s candidates went in first. Out of the 12-15 that she sent for interview, only 2 got selected. Out of the 5 I shortlisted, 3 of them got selected.

Praise God! Because I know that He answered my prayers, and it’s only when I am weak, that His strength was made perfect. I know God’s hand was upon this whole project because despite taking an MC on Tuesday, working on even more projects – in church and work, the results proved even better than when I had more time to shortlist more candidates.


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