Friday, January 26, 2007

Krystal speaks….
Sometime last week, my classmates and I were supposed to edit a Sec 1 orientation video. However, the school com couldn’t work and I volunteered my home computer so I can edit it. Classmate A gave me the bag which contained Classmate B’s video camera, her thumbdrive and the cd with all the pics – vital stuff. I was really scared that something bad might happen. So, I took the bus with some other classmates and I LEFT THE BAG IN THE BUS!!!

It’s just so me to leave things behind as I wasn’t used to carrying anything in my arms. SO I just left the bag on the seat and only realized that I had left it behind after I got off the bus!! You know that feeling when you realise something fatally important and then your stomach knots up really badly and you feel hot and cold inside at the same time? Yeah that was what I felt. Then this is when I really surprised myself. I actually CONSIDERED leaving the bag and calling my classmate to bring it today. Then I like mentally slapped myself and was like 'what on earth are you THINKING you ****** GIRL?!?!?!?!' Immediately, I raaaannnn after the bus. PRAISE GOD that it stopped at the red light. I went in front of the bus on the pavement and was practically dancing to the bus driver to let me back on. At first the bus driver just ignored me, I think he thought I was trying to get in for a ride. Then I was praying and praying that God will ease the driver's heart and let me get on! And he did!!!! and I was like 'sorry uncle I left my bag' and ruushedddd up the steps and just snatched up my bag. Then when I went down I was like 'thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou' to the driver.

Praise be to God man. as I was like crossing the road I was just going like 'thank you Lord, amen Lord, praise your name' I didn’t know what else I could say to thank him for being my conscience to make me run, for being the one who made the driver relent... and I just reeaally pray that God would make me a less forgetful person =S so yeah (: this is what i want to thank God for :)

Let’s PRAY!! It’s the month of ‘SERVICE’!!

Ministry Leaders
Step out in FAITH, trusting that God will care for you, His servant

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
****Guess where this verse is from****

Unity among servants from all ministries
Instead of comparing which ministry is the most happening, or coolest, let’s concentrate on building the kingdom of God.

Let’s read up Matthew 12:25-28

Recruitment drive!

- Quality, not quantity.

*praise reports can be emailed to


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