Thursday, November 02, 2006

Do u still P.U.S.H??

hi guys!!

have u guys been coming here to check for latest updates?? Do u guys log in here?? We'll love to know if this blog has proven pls pls pls do leave a tag if u can ya? If response is poor, we'll close down this blog le.yupyup...

so...for this week's prayer pointers!!

Matthew Speaks...
It was the day before Deepavali. I was with my parents at Vivocity and I could feel my body start to feel chilly and it start to ache all over. I knew I was getting sick. Getting sick on a public holiday is not good news. So I was gonna fight it! I said when I get home, I'll take my Bible out to read and pray for myself to be healed!

I arrived home, had dinner, obeyed my mom to eat 2 paracetamols and 4 VitC tablets, had my bath and took out my bible to read. I just began to read the passage aloud and though it had nothing to do with healing, the words seem to renew my spirit. I continued to read aloud beyond the allotted passage and received the 'words of life' into my spirit. Then, I laid hands on my head by faith and prayed for God to heal me. I rebuked any spirit of infirmity or sickness and received God's healing for me by faith. And began to thank God for healing me before I saw any result.

My God is a Healer! That night, I perspired like never before. My whole bed was wet but I woke up fresh and full of the Holy Spirit! My mom did say that my forehead still felt warm but I felt like something was sustaining me on the inside, giving me strength to go through the day. Thank God! There is power in the name of Jesus!

***I’m sure God has been good to you too, so.. SEND your praise reports to ***


YPM Vision 2006/2007
To see young people discipled to be God-centered leaders, empowered to full potential, passionately devoted to a generation that is lost.

Thank God that our prayers for leaders to be raised up have been answered.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2Tim 2:2

Pray for disciplers who want to disciple/mentor these leaders to be like themselves and disciples who are F.A.S.T.



2. November Outreach TMR!
The church exists for the generation that is lost. The Lord's last command should be the church's first priority.

* Pray for a great harvest of souls and good follow up.
Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Jn 4:35

* Pray for everyone to be a carrier of God's presence.
Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple. 1Cor 3:16-17

* Pray for the gospel to be presented in such a way that it will reach the people. (Bro Kimsan)


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