Saturday, November 11, 2006

Finally!!!MosEs SPEAKS! encouraged!!

*Not I but Christ.

*The more one learns the more one becomes convince its all about Christ. We sing the song,"Its all about Jesus ... " and we know it. But do we believe it?

I did badly for my exams, *I* should have studied harder. *I* should not have slacked off. *I* should have paid more attention in class.

Feeling unloved? Why do *I* not have a more pleasant character that attracts people? Why am *I* not better looking? Why do *I* not have talents? Why am *I *not born in that family?

Did something stupid? Why did *I* let circumstances force me into it? Why did *It* have to happen? How will *People* see me now?

Where is Christ in all these? With the *I *and the *It *and the *People *one cannot help but cry out. One cannot help but feel like a loser. These things conspire to bring us down. The devil's tactics are always the same in this regard. To bring you into destruction all he needs to do is to point you to yourself, circumstances and people and you will naturally take over destroying yourself through condemnation. And this is what the Law of Moses did, it condemned all as none could match up - 2 Cor. 3:9. The devil has a legal right to use the Law of Moses against you if you forgot what victory Christ has given us on the cross. Everything that points to self will lead to disappointment and loss. It is inevitable in this fallen world. So even positive thinking without Christ will disappoint.

However when we look to Christ in all circumstances we raise above our situations. It is such that all who looks to the cross becomes empowered to confront the goliaths in our lives. Do not try to practice the fruits of the Spirit, learn from the teachings of the Holy Spirit in you that points to Christ and the natural process is the bearing of the fruits of the Spirit. Do not discipline yourself to love, joy, peace. patience .... dwell in Christ and he who walks with him will become like him.

I mentioned the tactics of the devil for self-destruction is to point you to self. Conversely for the building up of the believer into powerful Christians the Holy Spirit points you to Christ. Working harder to score better marks, dressing up to look better is good but without Jesus things of the flesh will not last. We can keep trying to use self-effort and keep going in circles till the world wears us down.

Children of the Most High God, know that you are more then conquerors. Be different from the people of this world. We are the salt of the earth, we should not decay with the world but we should preserve the world. We should not go bland with the world but we give it the saltiness. Where people see doom in the situation see Christ at work for he is always at work in you. And in Christ the outcome can only be victory. Maybe not now, but all things orcharstrate to give the big grand victory in the end.

The devil is fervent in wanting to show you, You. The Holy Spirit is fervent in pointing you to Christ. That is why we must heed the Holy Spirit's voice. That is why we must fight to always put the Christ where we put the *I*. As Peter looked to Jesus and walked on water, likewise should our focus be. Not more methods or materials but more of Jesus in everything. This is the way to a victorious lifestyle.


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