Thursday, March 22, 2007



Praise Report!!!

Barnabas speaks..

Disorganized. Not bonded. Un-united. That was what Barnabas was a year ago. Cell members came as and when they like for cell group, and when cell outings were organized, no one would be interested in going for it. Attendance went down and sometimes, there would only be a couple of members attending bible study.

Praise God for the breakthrough during YPM camp, the members were really enthusiastic and it was the start of a UNITED cell group. The camp was the 1st time everyone gelled, played many ice breakers, shared lame jokes and tricks, go through thick and thin and spent meaningful time with each other. It’s amazing how they looked forward to cell time every alternate weekend and tried to keep that time free not just to listen to the word of God but to fellowship with their fellow cell members. There is more interaction now and the love in this group definitely has increased.

Thank God for faithful people like Betty, Becky and Ee Foo who has put in a lot of effort bringing the group together and praying consistently for the members. Continue to keep us in prayer as Barnabas goes thru another growing phase. Nothing is impossible with God and we’re entrusting Barnabas into His hands!

BARNABAS needs you to pray for…

----> A male leader

-----> To stay focus on our vision
“To be bonded and grounded in the word of God”

-----> Core group to be united as a body of Christ

-----> Leaders to have Patience and Love for our sheep

-----> To persevere and trust God in whatever circumstances

Do you have a praise report? We want it! Send it to


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