Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometimes....because Prayer meeting is done differently, we're unable to post whatever we do on Fridays on this Encourage you to join us for prayer meetings whenever you can. SERIOUSLY, PRAYER does CHANGE LIFE!!'s this week's praise report!! for prayer pointers? well...just pray as the spirit leads you to. :)

Praise Report!
Joanna speaks….
Once again God has shown me what is impossible with men, is possible with Him. On my 2nd week into my job, my manager assigned me to co-work with my senior on this bulk recruitment project. My senior, emphasized how important this project is, and how we cannot afford to fail. I felt excited, yet much pressured. Being a greenhorn at sourcing for interviewers, I kinda just ‘anyhow’ assume and shortlist candidates for the interview. My instincts told me that these people aren’t really customer oriented, and a gut feeling that they may not excel.

On tt day of the interview, only 2 out of 12 candidates were selected for the job. I was expected to haf at least 10 selected. That day, what could go wrong, just went wrong, and there were tears in my eyes at the end of the project. I knew, I hadn’t trusted God, nor had I relied on His strength.

I was given a 2nd chance. This time round, I fell sick on Tuesday, which means, I only had Friday and Monday to arrange for and interview, and Wednesday to get all their necessary documents ready for Thursday. I was really really scared, I literally prayed everywhere I am, and while I was doing QT on Wednesday night, I was reminded that only God can do the impossible. I prayed that my candidates may find favour in the eyes of the interviewers. I decided to let go of the burden, and trust that God is in control. Even if I fail this time, I know He has a purpose and a reason for it. I was prepared for the worst.

Being very competitive, my senior constantly reminded me that she has shortlisted more candidates than I have, made me worry even more, because she’s supposed to have better foresight than I have. On the day of the interview, my senior’s candidates went in first. Out of the 12-15 that she sent for interview, only 2 got selected. Out of the 5 I shortlisted, 3 of them got selected.

Praise God! Because I know that He answered my prayers, and it’s only when I am weak, that His strength was made perfect. I know God’s hand was upon this whole project because despite taking an MC on Tuesday, working on even more projects – in church and work, the results proved even better than when I had more time to shortlist more candidates.

Krystal speaks….
Sometime last week, my classmates and I were supposed to edit a Sec 1 orientation video. However, the school com couldn’t work and I volunteered my home computer so I can edit it. Classmate A gave me the bag which contained Classmate B’s video camera, her thumbdrive and the cd with all the pics – vital stuff. I was really scared that something bad might happen. So, I took the bus with some other classmates and I LEFT THE BAG IN THE BUS!!!

It’s just so me to leave things behind as I wasn’t used to carrying anything in my arms. SO I just left the bag on the seat and only realized that I had left it behind after I got off the bus!! You know that feeling when you realise something fatally important and then your stomach knots up really badly and you feel hot and cold inside at the same time? Yeah that was what I felt. Then this is when I really surprised myself. I actually CONSIDERED leaving the bag and calling my classmate to bring it today. Then I like mentally slapped myself and was like 'what on earth are you THINKING you ****** GIRL?!?!?!?!' Immediately, I raaaannnn after the bus. PRAISE GOD that it stopped at the red light. I went in front of the bus on the pavement and was practically dancing to the bus driver to let me back on. At first the bus driver just ignored me, I think he thought I was trying to get in for a ride. Then I was praying and praying that God will ease the driver's heart and let me get on! And he did!!!! and I was like 'sorry uncle I left my bag' and ruushedddd up the steps and just snatched up my bag. Then when I went down I was like 'thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou' to the driver.

Praise be to God man. as I was like crossing the road I was just going like 'thank you Lord, amen Lord, praise your name' I didn’t know what else I could say to thank him for being my conscience to make me run, for being the one who made the driver relent... and I just reeaally pray that God would make me a less forgetful person =S so yeah (: this is what i want to thank God for :)

Let’s PRAY!! It’s the month of ‘SERVICE’!!

Ministry Leaders
Step out in FAITH, trusting that God will care for you, His servant

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
****Guess where this verse is from****

Unity among servants from all ministries
Instead of comparing which ministry is the most happening, or coolest, let’s concentrate on building the kingdom of God.

Let’s read up Matthew 12:25-28

Recruitment drive!

- Quality, not quantity.

*praise reports can be emailed to

Saturday, January 13, 2007

due to the internet connection being cut off or something,we were unable to post the past few weeks' pointers.we apologise for tt.Here's the latest!

Praise Report!
Ee Ling speaks….

The previous semester (Aug-Dec 2006) had indeed been a trying one for me. Faced with an ever increasing workload and looming deadlines, I found myself in a state of perpetual stress as I often had to complete at least 2 textbooks every single week for the entire semester without respite. Also, my mother had an operation in October and needed to be on one month’s MC after that. This operation came at my busiest time in the semester and my family members were quite worried but we committed it to God in prayer. Praise God, the operation went smoothly and my mom recovered quickly!

In retrospect, the previous semester may not have been easy juggling with the demands of school, family and ministry but for every worry I had, God was there to hear it out. For every tear that rolled from my eyes, God was there to comfort me. He not only sustained me through a difficult semester but also sent people along the way to encourage me. God is a gracious Provider, providing for our needs. When I received my results two weeks back, my CAP score went up! This would have not been possible if not for God’s grace. Truly, our God is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider!

Let’s PRAY!! It’s the month of ‘SERVICE’!!

John 15:5-8
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

1. a)pray that we will do everything in Christ, through Christ and for Christ
b) pray also for fruitfulness among us, the YPMers, His disciples - in our walk with Him and in the areas He has put us in.
c) If Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches, then we already have all His victory and power to overcome whatever situation we are facing!
So believe and claim God's promises for our lives/ the difficulties we are facing.
Psalm 31:24
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

2. a) For this new year, let's put put trust and hope in Him. Let's turn our eyes upon Him! Commit this year unto His hands. YPMers shall be strong for God. He holds our future in His hands.

b) we are weak but He is strong. He is our strength!

3. Recruitment drive!

- God to take charge - publicity and growth

Friday, January 05, 2007

Prayermin Report
Matthew speaks…

Praise the Lord for a good 2006 and a BETTER 2007! Because of the faithfulness of YPMers praying at Friday Prayer Meetings and at home through YPMPrayerlink, we have seen and testify of God’s hand at work. Praise God that Aunty Janet has completed her chemo and there are no more signs of cancer. Thank God for giving YPMers a heart for outreach such that we see newcomers almost every Saturday! Thank God drawing the LGs closer, especially through YPM Camp and countless times for holding the rain back til our outdoor activities were over.

God’s Goodness shines through in 2006 and we’re believing God for a year of Harvest and Fruitfulness in 2007. We’re believing God to take away barriers of multiplication, our services to have the tangible presence of God and many more to come to salvation and become disciples of Jesus Christ! For Prayer Min, we’ll be more visible during YPM service and will have a training to increase the depth of prayer for our members. We’re also searching for a suitable new name. Everyone is called to Prayer. Not just to pray, but to pray IN FAITH. It’s gonna be a fruitful year ahead!

Prayer Pointers
Month of Jan, we'll be praying under the theme of SERVING. For Feb and Mar, we'll be praying for each of the groups every week and invite them down to join us for that week. Let's be more creative in our praying styles when the younger ones join us.

Pray for YPMers to have A Serving Aspiration
1. That they may know that they are God's workmanship, each having been given a gift to use for the Lord.

Eph 2:10
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

2. Understand the meaning of serving

Matt 20:26-28
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

3. Mass Recruitment Drive COMING UP!
- Pray for a clear understanding of what each ministry represents and that YPMers will be able to make an informed choice about where they want to serve.
- Pray for boldness to sign up.

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