Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Call to Prayer 11

Hey guys... It's 2 weeks to the YPM Rezolution camp But it's never too late to start praying for it.
Looks like a long list? Then let's start praying NOW!

1] Chiefs, Champions, Elders
Ok.. The list of Grp leaders, Asst. Leaders and Elders (Leaders, Asst. Leaders and Mentors) is out. wahey~!
Everything rises on leadership...
There are plenty of young ones in this group but guess what.. They are already leaders in their own right.
Do pray for wisdom, willingness, and dilligence as they lead. That they will have the strength and the Holy spirit as their guide... The same Holy Spirit who was in Timothy who at the age of 19 led a church of thousands.

2] God's word
Keep keeping Chye Aik in prayer... That He will bring a 'Rhema' word.. A word in season.. That is perfectly applicable and life transforming for each and every life.
That the campers will have a hunger and thirst for God's word.. the textbook for living, the love letter from the Most High... =)

3] Repentance
That the Lord will bring us to a point of repentance and contriteness... That we will stop thinking that we can live independent of the Lord. That He will bring us to the sudden knowledge that our only hope is in Him.
Through this we can live an abundant live as we abide in the vine (Jesus)
This is the best attitude as we enter into war with the evil one... Dun look back to Egypt... (sin, worldliness , your old self). Only look to Jesus. If we look back we will be like the 10 other unbelieving spies.. Fearful... And weak...No let us have the firm and focused heart of Joshua and Caleb... He is gonna bring us out of our personal wildernesses (unforgiveness, loneliness, pain, uselessness) to a land full of milk and honey..

4] Camp T-shirt
Praise God for the camp T-shirt. it's really cool stuff. thanks to the contributors... Lydia. and Shumin (again?)... And of couse the background ppl pushing the suppliers and stuff. IZ yeo and Amelia. indeed... Our God is soo good.. i love nice camp T-shirts.. It's in the process of production now.. so pray hard!.. i dun want a camp shirt showing my mid-riff...

5] Health
That there will be no viruses or bugs of any sort being spread around. We don't want anything to hinder us from really learning and enjoying the Lord and each other. That nobody will have to be sent home. bind it in Jesus name.

Personal Prayer Requests

Amelia - Pray for strength that could only come from Him. Focus and joy in spite of a hectic schedule and pressure and occasionally incompetent prayer i/cs

Aaron Tay - Pray that the Youths have a broken Spirit and a Contrite Heart . This way, they will have an expectancy for our Father in Heaven. Also pray that they will be open to people around them, and to the pastor and his msg. Pray for the Musicians, that they be Sanctified and Consecrated before the Lord, to serve Him wholely and purely.

Ee Ling - Pray for safety of campers that they won't be stung by stonefish etc.. and expectant heart... And goot weather... =)

Isaac Yeo - stay tuned for IZ's accidentally deleted his message sorry everyone.. sorry IZ

Josh Ho - Pray for tics into Sentosa... And school will have no activities during duration of camp.. =)....

Matto - Health strength and vitality.. he needs that as pastor, cell group leader, music minister, Pastor, Son, Discipler...*pant *pant.. It's tiring jus listing it down.. haha...

Samson Fu - Studies and exams. focus on the Lord and love


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