Tuesday, November 22, 2005

He wraps Himself in light. And darkness tries to hide. It trembles at His voice.

I remember about a month back when our camp chairman, Amelia, addressed the fear issue about the Scripture Union campsite during YPM.

Demons and evil spirits are real. But the problem is that we've always been focusing on our fear of them (or pretending that they don't exist,which isn't very smart either.). It's about time we bring our focus back to not how scary they are but how great and how much more powerful our Jesus is!

and so, part 2 about the blood of Jesus is going to show you just what you have because of Jesus that will cause the demons to run so fast and so hard..and make you realize why you have no reason to be afraid. onward to liberation from fear! yay!

What is it about the blood of Jesus that makes demons and evil spirits flee?
ok, first up, WHO is Jesus? Jesus is the son of the most holy, most awesome God. Our God is completely pure, holy. He is perfectly sinless and good.

blood of Jesus = blood of God's precious Son = pure. holy. good.
demons and evil spirits = impure. evil. hateful.

demons and everything evil cannot stand anything pure and holy. it freaks them out bad. really bad. how much more are they afraid of Jesus and His shed blood? satan and his demons hate the blood of Jesus! Jesus is the EPITOME OF PURITY, HOLINESS AND GOODNESS.

The blood of Jesus is available for us to appropriate and apply in our lives. When we apply the blood of Jesus in our lives, it's like building a hedge of protection around us. When evil spirits see the blood of Jesus over us, they are completely helpless! One thing i've been doing every night for the past year is to cover my family and I in the blood. Nothing can touch us.

Start doing this, make it a point to ask for the covering of the blood each time you pray. Cover yourself, your family, your cell group members with the blood! Pray for the campsite as well, to be covered in the blood of Jesus. ask God to build a hedge of protection around our campsite! Stop being afraid. satan uses fear to cripple you. Start becoming a child of God who knows the POWER that lies in the shed blood of your Jesus!

remember Revelations 12:11
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

by the blood of the Lamb, we have overcome the evil one!


At 2:42 pm, Blogger diligent_one said...

How wonderful!
Someone finally picked up on this:
Prayer is Important because Spiritual Warfare is REAL!! Eph. 6:12

and den hor...
Revelation 12:11 verse, rite...
got 2 parts leh:
Blood of the Lamb &
Word of Their Testimony

Jesus has done His part by bleeding for our sake's as the Lamb of God...
we need to do our part:
besides praying, pleading, applying the blood of Christ,
we also need to give the word of our testimony - when the divine [not man-made] opportunity arises, we should not be ashamed to speak of Jesus... But instead, we should boldly testify of Him - the wonderful Lamb of God....


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