Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Whiter than the snow...

I suppose if you've been in church long enough, you're bound to have heard someone talk about the blood of Jesus. heard someone praying it, applying and covering with the blood of Jesus. But have you ever wondered about it?? What is it about His blood that the mere mention of it and demons flee like terrified worms? What is it about His blood that cleanses and heals us, His beloved children? Why did Jesus have to shed His blood on His last day on earth? Why?

Are you ready to go on reading?
The devil doesn't want you to read this. he's going to try ways and means to distract you from reading this.
Because your life is going to change when you know the POWER that is in the BLOOD of YOUR Jesus.

Part 1: The blood of Jesus has washed away your sins! Completely!
There are things in our lives that we've done that we wish a hundred times over that we didn't do it. But fact is, we did. We have a lot of memories of the past that haunts us and satan knows our weaknesses. he likes to use things that remind us of the sins we committed.

Remember back in the Old Testament when the blood of bulls and goats were offered as sin offerings?

Hebrews 9:14 says that
"How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!"

now what you have is not the blood of bulls and goats, but you have the blood of the Son of God! Jesus's blood has washed you clean from your sins FOREVER. do you understand what that means? since the blood of Jesus has washed you clean, there is no longer a need to feel guilty because of the sins you committed previously. Romans 8:1 says that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are IN Christ Jesus. YOU are in Christ Jesus, my dear friend. If you go on believing that you are being judged because of the wrong you did, that's a complete lie and a total insult to God. He sent His Son to DIE on the Cross for you, shed His blood, but you don't believe it?

Benny Hinn articulates it best.. read on!
"The sins of your past cannot be erased simply because you want them to be. You cannot be freed from a sinful life by merely saying 'I'm going to forget about it.'
God said that He would 'purge' us. The blood will purge your conscience completely- not only your transgressions, but every thought connected with them."

Nothing but the blood of Christ can cleanse your mind from thoughts of past and present sins. Since we have "a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinklld from an evil conscience" (Heb 10:21-22)

What is an evil conscience? One that remembers yesterday and whispers, 'You're a sinner.'
But in heaven, the Lord says, 'Welcome! I have delivered you from your iniquities. You are forgiven. Only saints can enter here, and the blood has made you righteous.'

To many it sounds impossible that we can stand before God with the righteousness of Christ, but it is true. Because the blood of Jesus is pure, we become pure in God's sight. The Lord cleanses our minds from the past and the present."

The blood has washed you CLEAN! Whiter than the snow! You are FREE from condemnation. In God's eyes, because of the blood of Jesus, you are as righteous, as good as Jesus is!

1 John 1:7 says that
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

Purifies. See that? It doesn't say purified. had purified. It says purifies. And that means it's a continuous cleansing. Right now, the blood of Jesus is cleansing you! It's a continual cycle, being washed by the blood of Jesus!

Hard to believe? Believe it, because only when you believe it, and only when you apply the blood of Jesus over your heart, then you open your heart to receive the freedom that comes from knowing that truly, in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation.

We deserve to be punished for our sins and our scummyness. We all deserve to be hung on that Cross. but your Creator stepped in, His heart overflowing with love for you. "No. I love you too much. Let me take your place.I'll pay the price for your sins." And that He did. on the Cross.

He took your place, full of guilt,shame and dirt. Since He took your place, He has given you His place. And in Jesus's place, there is complete freedom and righteousness. Know what you have in Christ Jesus, don't give satan the chance to steal from you what is yours because you don't know what you have.

When you pray today, apply the blood of Jesus over your heart and life. Know that your sins are washed away! Do as Benny Hinn says: "When satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future!"


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