Friday, October 21, 2005

A Call to Prayer [5]

hellooo you!

Prayer pointers for the camp and campers.

1. A sense of wonderment
Most of us are too "grown up" and jaded for our own good. whatever happened to wonderment? A sense of wonderment leads to a greater appreciation of the Creator and the awesomeness of His creations. Go on. wonder about that bolt of lightning. and the greenness of that patch of grass. and how did He make the evening sky look like that anyway?

2. A heart and mind that's increasingly centred on God and quick to remember His love and the wonderful Cross
Pray that the campers will become increasingly God conscious starting from now. That until and unless they find Him, their hearts will burn. Pray that this God consciousness will show up in their lives, through the way they behave to their family, friends, even strangers. Also, pray that campers will be quick to remember the extent of the Father's love for them (which culminates at the Cross!). Once you remember how much you're loved by the Almighty, how precious He holds you in His sight, satan can only slink away defeated. heh. hard to fight a child of the Most High God who knows his Father (who is God, in case it wasn't clear yet.) loves him la. REMEMBER HIS UNFAILING LOVE & THE WONDERFUL CROSS!

3. Campers that pray..because they love.
Pray for this blog, the contributors and the prayer committee. Pray that thru this blog, campers will gain a deeper heart understanding of prayer. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity to the Spirit,that as the contributors share, the campers' hearts will be moved by the precious Holy Spirit. That eventually, we will all come to understand that we have a heart to pray, that's borne out of love for the King.

4. Spread the love..pray for your camp com
Prayer pointers/requests from the camp com.
-Good rest/ Physical health
-I am also attending a bible course on Addictions Counselling @ East Asia School of Theology - pray that I will have strength to absorb new information during the lessons every weekday night (until next wednesday- 26Oct).
-Pray for me as I continue to make 1-min prayer/announcement @ this saturday's YPM service.
-Pray for me as I join the YPMS classes on Sunday to do more publicity for the camp to the sec1s & sec2s.
-Pray for campers to register for the camp quickly (and in so doing, encourage the camp committee).

Pray for leaders that can impact the groups in the camps, and for proactive members who are able to rise to the occasion to use their abilities to participate

Pray for safety, health, fun and focus during work in Aussie. And also that his family will not be so worried.

Pray for the campers, that the reason they come is God Himself, and that their hearts are right.

Isaac Yeo:
-Pray for the P6s Spiritual milk class, that they can gel well and break the “boys stick with the boys” and “girls stick with the girls” pattern. Also that they will know that there is only ONE true God in their lives.
-Pray that I can find time to complete posters for the camp and have ideas and creativity in doing so.


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