Monday, October 24, 2005

Why pray?
Because prayer is your #1 weapon against satan! whoop!

Ever had days when everything just seems to suck? You can't explain why, you're just frustrated and impatient. or maybe you get depressive, with all those extreme mood swings, and you just wanna break things? (smell the angst already!) then out of nowhere, some really negative thoughts sneak into your head..("i'm useless.can't do nothing right.") and then suddenly, you start remembering past,unhappy incidents. those that you'd give anything to forget. Perhaps memories of someone who hurt you, rejection/loss, or maybe a failed relationship...

well, my friend. you are not alone. -pat on the back-
ok wait! before we decide to gather for a group hug and wallow in self pity.......

first question. do you know who you are?!!?!
let me have the honour of telling you, that you are the precious,precious child of the most awesome GOD. yeap. believe it. it's who you are. get that in your head,ok? (:
second. do you know that satan practically quivers knowing who YOU ARE? he would do anything to try to bring you down, so that you won't realize the power that you have that comes from your Father.
third. has it occurred to you how real the spiritual realm is?

let me share a story with you. (which is completely relevant, so keep reading!)
the King of Aram was at war with Israel, so the King of Aram and his men plotted and plotted..the best place to ambush the Israelites to wipe them out heh heh. but everytime they did so, this certain man of God, the prophet Elisha, would always send word to the King of Israel, to warn him about the Arameans and their "hiding place". This happened so often that the King of Aram got peeved, so he sent horses,chariots and lots of men to find this Elisha and capture him.

the next morning, the servant of Elisha woke up, and saw the great number of horses,chariots and men that surrounded the city that were here to capture Elisha. the servant got scared and asked Elisha "Oh my lord, what shall we do?" then Elisha said "Dont be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." i think at this point, Elisha's servant might have thought him crazy,because there were no chariots or horses or men that were on Elisha's side at this time. then Elisha prayed.."O Lord, open his eyes,so he may see." then the Lord opened the servant's eyes so that he may see. and he did. and he saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

this story,from 2 Kings 6:8-17, offers a rare glimpse into the "invisible world" of the supernatural realm. God has resources to help us that we cannot see! isn't that amazing? also, my purpose of sharing this story with you,is to show you how real the supernatural realm is.

What to do with those negative, frustrating and depressive thoughts?
ok,so now that you know the supernatural realm is real, what next? what's this gotta do with those frustrating and depressive thoughts?

Picture yourself in the battlefield of the spiritual realm. that's where you are every single day. well, did it ever occur to you that those frustrating and depressive thoughts are flaming arrows from satan? this is just one of his ways to try and bring you down! and at this point, that's where the armour of God comes in, doh!

check out what my Life Application bible says. "Beneath the surface of the routine of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual powers is being waged.Our main defense is PRAYER that God will protect us from the evil one and that He will strengthen us." so PRAY. pray for the blood of Jesus to cover your thoughts and mind. PRAY and command those frustrating and depressing thoughts OUT OF YOUR MIND in Jesus's name because you are not unaware of satan's schemes, and these thoughts have no place in your life as a child of God! satan knows your weak spots. if you're emotional, he'll shoot those sad thoughts at you.. if you're hot tempered, he'll shoot you some angry thoughts. but stand strong! let us do as the Word says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ! so guard your thoughts, shoot down any thoughts that are deceiving and from satan, even before they have a chance to become comfortable in your head! it's an active part for you to play, daily. you'll get used to it and it'll become 2nd nature to you after some practise :)

Persevere! Keep praying! Stand firm against spiritual warfare now.
satan doesnt want us to pray. he knows that when we pray, there is POWER. he will do everything he can to stop you from praying. i'm sure you've experienced those moments, when it's time to start getting sleepy, and somehow your body gravitates towards the bed.. you try to pray..yes you try..Dear Lord..zzzzz. haha. that's spiritual warfare,my friend!

Persevere! that's what the armour is there for, it helps us to persevere, keep praying, don't let satan have even half a squat of a chance to form a smirk on his face!
and if you haven't been praying, start :) 5 minutes today. try it.

show satan you're no pushover. realize your identity. you are a child of the Most High God.
start praying.
Prayer is power and your #1 weapon against satan.


At 11:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. Sometimes when negative thoughts flash in my mind I actually say the negative stuff. I gotta catch myself and proclaim the good things of the Lord. My words have power you know I am a king.


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