Friday, November 11, 2005

A Call to Prayer [8]

Hello dear people! First up, thank you for your support and prayers for this blog, -thumps chest- RESPECT! haha. As the camp draws nearer, we're going to step up in intensity for prayer for the camp, okay? Oh-kay! Here we go!

1. Be united in prayer for Rezolution '05!
i) Camp Registration
Pray for YPMers who have yet to sign up for the camp, that this week will be the week they throw away whatever reservations they have, and whatever obstacles will be removed so that they will take the first step to signing up for the camp!

ii) Our camp speaker, Chye Aik!
Pray for Chye Aik as he seeks God for a special word for the campers. Pray that his heart be one with the Father's!

iii) Spiritual aspect of the camp!
Remember how real the spiritual realm is? No kidding. Pray for campers and the committee, that as the camp date draws nearer that we continue to be on the alert and put on the spiritual armour at all times. Pray for the powerful blood of Jesus to cover us as well as for the campsite! Pray that there will be no fear either. We know the ending of this story! WE WIN, BECAUSE OF JESUS!
Revelation 12:11
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

Precious children of the Most High God, start living like who you really are! Know that you have authority and power because of Jesus!

iv) Logistics
Pray that whatever we need will be there and provided for. Comfortable beds, shower facilities that work, good food..

v) Things out of human control, but perfectly in our Father's control :)
Pray for perfect weather! Sunny when it should be sunny and cooling when we need it most.

2. From the campcom:
- Pray for good rest (physical + spiritually in the Lord)
- As chairman - pray that I will always & in all things stay a lil' bit closer to the Lord, to sit at His feet, Hear from Him specifically, and especially so, before making any/all decisions related to the camp

Isaac Yeo:
-Pray for matt to find good devotional materials for the camp
-Pray for good planning of activities
-Pray for God to touch lives in this camp

-Pray that the we'll be able to identify worship leaders for the camp and the we'll start to prepare ourselves for the camp.

Calvin Low:
-Pray that I will be able to come back to Singapore all fired up and ready to carry out my tasks as Prayer and Worship IC!
-Pray that YPMers will truly experience what it is to be like as children of God.


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