Thursday, December 01, 2005


2 Chronicles 7:14if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

In biblical terms, repentance is about changing your mind about anything that keeps you from drawing closer to God. referring to a truly God-given, Spirit-led change of heart and mind toward God about sin.

Have you ever reached this juncture in your life where u take the time to look back at the road behind. Looking at all the choices you've made, detours, off-track experiences which bring you to this point in the road.
I have. Having been brought up in a Christian family i have had the awesome God-given priviledge of knowing Christ from a young age.
However after salvation, there is still a need for sanctification. I am saved but not perfect and Christ is continually changing me.

But the point here is this. When i look back in life and sometimes wonder why? Why Lord? Why did this happen? Why am i such-and-such a person?

4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?
Rom 2:4

And then the realisation hit me. Everything that went wrong in my life was a direct result of my disobedience to Him and to His word. But in my selfishness and childishness i put the blame on Him. I wanted what He could give exclusively, rather than loving Him in return. 1 John 5:3
I started to realise how small i am compared to an awesome and Holy God. And when you think about it. Sin kills. Spiritually as well as in this present life.

" Until a person becomes personally exceedingly sinful in his own eyes, he will never see his need for repentance."

But I thank God that He did not leave me in my wretchedness.
He gives me a way out. He says repent. Turn your heart and mind away from sin, the things of this world, and turn your heart to me.

"But repentance without faith is nothing more than remorse or regret."

"Repentance comes about through the convicting power of the Spirit of God using the Word of God to cause a change of attitude, action, and affection.
Saving faith is trust in and reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour.
Saving faith is believing with your heart; it is coming to Christ, receiving Christ, looking to Christ, calling upon Christ to save your soul."

15"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"
Mark 1:15

I realised. The Lord's commands are here to protect and provide, and they are not burdensome, as i used to think. 1 John 5:3

"... I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matt. 9:13).

I realised the way back to Him is just being humble and saying my righteousness is nothing. What i mistook for morality and correct Christian values in the past and felt proud when i kept them are just not enough. I need you Lord every single day and moment of my life. I need your word to guide me. I want to learn more about you daily. I want to love you.

2000 years ago He reached through the darkness. Our Jesus. He said "No Father, Let me take the weight of their sin, their pain, let me bear the brunt of their sickness" He did that 2000 years ago . He's still doing that today.

I realised we can't be passive. With repentance i must have faith. i must put my faith in Jesus. Saying Lord, I've repented of my ways.. but now i do not know where to go. Teach me Lord. I never want to stop learning and obeying your commands.

Say this prayer for and with me:

" Father, i know i was a wretched person. Lord you are the opposite of me. Whether i am a Christian or not, There will never be a day in which i will not need you in my life. I'm sorry for ever thinking so. Father i confess any sin and independent attitude i have had in myself. I ask of your forgiveness. I hate sin because you hate sin. I choose to live for you. Please come into my life and be Lord and saviour once again. I need you Lord. Amen"


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