Saturday, November 26, 2005

a call to action for this new generation of YPM. A call for this generation of young people to rise up to their full potential in Christ and to reach their generation for Jesus.

Do we have the courage to believe that WE are going to rise up above our individual struggles and weaknesses to be the men and women God wants us to be?

Do we have the courage to believe that WE are the people who are going to make a difference to this generation? WE are the ones who are going to lead an entire lost generation to it's knees in repentance in Jesus name?

Numbers 13-14

Will WE be one of the ten other spies who see the beauty and abundance of the land. But in our fear and faithlessness say it cannot and will not be done and make other's hearts melt with fear.

Or will WE have the spirit and courage of Joshua (Joshua's name is the Hebrew equivalent of Jesus) and Caleb. Will WE like Caleb say:" Together with Jesus nothing is impossible."

From Zondervan Life application Bible:

"Caleb was not such a man of great faith as a man of faith in a great God! His boldness rested on His understanding of God, not on his confidence in Israel's abilities to conquer the land. He could not agree with the majority, for that would be to disagree with God."

Choose to be the one who stands upon God's character and strength. On His faithfulness to His people. A God who cannot lie.
Ask Him for courage and Faith to believe and stand out from the crowd, to dare to be different, even when others say it can't be done (It could even be our close friends)
Ask Him for a love and passion for the lost. Ask Him to strengthen our weaknesses and for His own strength to be shown in our weaknesses.

Young people we are not the church of tomorrow. We are not future evangelists, pastors, teachers, apostles. We are the church of TODAY. Let no one despise our youth. We are going to take Singapore TODAY.

Deuteronomy 1:8
See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them."

God bless

For further study
Joshua 1:6 - God's promise to Joshua.
Joshua 14:6-15 - God blessed Caleb with health and with land even in His old age because He made the decision to follow

Any word from the Lord u want to share with YPM. Feel free to send it to

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