Friday, April 07, 2006

this week's praise report...

Isaac Chong speaks...
My primary school good friend committed suicide on 3rd March. Two weeks prior to his death, we saw each other in a pool parlour. We hadn’t seen each other since 12. I was someone who’s shy to invite people to church and one who lack confidence in sharing the gospel, afraid of saying something wrong. Lacking courage, I missed the opportunity to share with him.

I was doubly shocked to hear he wasn’t a Christian and he had leaped from my old house. It was then that I got a wake up call and realized the importance of sharing the gospel. I felt that God was speaking to me through him, urging me to make disciples and spread the gospel. His voice was further confirmed after sharing my experience with Estella a few days later. That week , she happened to visit the prayer link blog and after reading the blog, it occurred to her that the post on 7/3 by Moses applied to me.

I read the post and was amazed by God’s timing. “The first step in obeying the great commission is to spread the gospel. If we can’t even pass the first hurdle, how could we expect ourselves to be used mightily by God?”– This struck me most and showed me that He was real and my faith increased. Because of all this ‘coincidences’, I know that when I try to share the gospel, God will put the necessary things for me to say.Praise God!


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