Friday, March 24, 2006

Praise Report

This week's praise given by Chong Lip.
Praise the Lord..He's a God who heals!!Not just Spiritually...but Physically and Emotionally too!! Keep Praying.God's with us!!
if u've any praise reports to submit...send it to

Before I went to the IGNITE conference on the last day, my back was aching and I had developed a persistent flu. However as I entered into the presence of His house, as I begin to worship Him in song, exalting him, I automatically felt better, as if the Holy Spirit was healing me with His gentle touch. I left aside all my burdens and focused on the Lord.

At the night conference, when Brent, the pastor from New Zealand, made an altar call, I was led by the Holy Spirit to go forth. Then, he told those who are feeling unwell to close their eyes, with one hand lifted up and the other on the eyes. I prayed intensely, trusting him wholeheartedly that He is a God of miracles and a healer, one whom can give vision to the blind and resurrect the dead. My mind was full of His promises and tears started welling up in my eyes. I opened my eyes, full of expectation, but nothing seemed to happen. For a spur of a moment I thought that God didn't heal me, but I put all my hope on Him again as I closed my eyes for the 2nd time. Then, I felt a surge of power rush through my body, it was explicit but I cannot explain it. I cried for joy knowing that God is real and He healed me. There and then, I declared that God healed me and I have renewed faith in Him.

I was really touched after this sign He did and now I am more assured of the triune God and have grown bolder to share my testimony to others about the goodness of Jesus. I can now place my every burden, anxiety as He is the my provider and comforter.


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