Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Call To Prayer 12
Hey one and all, It's one more week to Rezolution..! Are we all praying in full force...?

1) Camp Briefing
There will be a camp briefing followed by a camp prayer meeting on the 12th of Dec. There the camp leaders will be briefed and equipped for the camp. Do keep them in prayer as they are the ones who are gonna move in front and make decisions.

2) Service
Pray for an anointed camp speaker (Chye Aik). For a word in season.
For anointed Praise and worship leaders as well as musicians and singers. That the congregation will be free and open to respond to the Holy Spirit, whether it be by free expression of worship or going up for altar calls.

3) Prayer
That YPMers will have an attitude of submission and humility. That they will acknowledge the Lord in all that they do in their lives. That they will seek His will and ask of Him things that please Him. Even in the camp that they will constantly keep programs, friends and leaders constantly in prayer.

4) Empowerment
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." -Acts 1:8

Now look at our camp theme:

ReZolution- a call to action for this new generation of YPM. A call for this generation of young people to rise up to their full potential in Christ and to reach their generation for Jesus.

Pray that the Lord will pour His anointing into the lives of HIs youth. That they will receive empowerment from on high. That they will know of the power which comes from the Holy Spirit who already lives in them. That they will have His passion for the lost.

5) Admin
Nametags. Camp booklets. Camp T-shirts etc. etc. do not come from nowhere. Sweat and blood is put into the production of these wonderful
items. Pray for the items to come out alright, and thank God for the people who produced them.

6) Logistics
Probably big on Josh Ho's prayer request list. That we will bring all the necessary items to camp and not forget anything.

Camp Comm's Prayer Requests

Amelia - Hear from God in a clear and personal way. Intimacy with the most high. Rest from weariness and stress.

Ee Ling - The blood of Jesus to cover all of us, so we are safe wherever we go, whatever we do. A heart of expectancy and excitement, ready for more of Jesus! Great weather!

Josh Ho - Busy with school work. Pray for strength and ability to come for camp next week refreshed.

Calvin Low - To place my hope in the Lord and not circumstances. For the youth of YPM to see the Lord move mightily in their lives and in YPM. For them to make a decision to follow unswervingly to Jesus. That he will not be required to be in camp during this period

Samson Fu - that we would be a people who would be ready to dwell in the glorious presence of our king

Matthew Chern - For God's anointing to be upon His life as he sets apart Himself for Jesus.

Stay tuned for more.. There's gonna be a barrage of requests as the time approaches. God bless... =)

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