Monday, January 16, 2006

Praying The Names Of God

Hey one and all. Hope you guys are still coming back over and over again to this wondeful blog.

Been reading a wonderful book called praying the names of God. Basically what it does is it picks out and explains a particular name of God from where it first occurs in the Bible. It's good cos in Hebrew times names were a big thing. Much more significant than in this day and age. A name basically represented who you were. Your character and your nature. That's why in the bible there are so many instances in which the Lord changes the name of a particular person. One example would be the chaning of Saul to Paul.

It is the same for God. There are many many names and titles for God (Over 50). Each one representing one unique aspect of His character though some overlap .

Yahweh Tseboath - The Lord Of Hosts

This name is a title that emphasizes God's rule over every power in the material and spiritual universe. When the scripture speaks of the host of heaven", it usually speaks of celestial bodies (stars, planets) but it can also refer to angelic beings. The word "Host" can also refer to human beings and to nature itself. This title of great power occcurs more than 240 times in the Hebrew bible. reminding us that ALL creation, even in it's fallen condition, is under God's rule and reign. At times scripture speaks of the Lord of Hosts leading a great army. Cherubim & Seraphim (Angels); sun and moon; stars and sky; rivers and mountains; hail and snow; men and women; animals wild and tame- all worship the Lord and are at times called to fight on His behalf.

Kinda reminds you of Chronicles of Narnia doesn't it. But how mignificient a God we serve. Think about it, every single object in the spiritual and physical universe serves His purpose. That means that the reason they live, the action they take, all are for a reason... To GLORIFY GOD!!!
What an honour. Doesn't that make you want to sign up for this army ???

read 1 Sam 17:38-47

45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.

Vs. 45-46

After reading this particular passage. Try putting yourself in David's shoes. One young shepherd boy, with a trembling army behind him and a humongous giant in front of Him.
But he was defiant and confident as ever because he knew who he was fighting for, and fighting with.
Notice how he valued the name of the Lord more than the sword, javelin and spear that the giant had. He knew the name of the Lord was stronger than any weapons that could be forged by men
Isn't it cool the way David spoke it so defiantly. Even in His young, probably unbroken voice.

"This very day, the LORD will deliver you into my hand"

May we learn from David's example whenever
we face trials and struggles of any kind. May we not look at the size of the giant, or the fear of anyone else. May we look to Him, because the battle belongs to Him.



1) Why do you think the story emphasizes David's inability to do battle in the king's armour?

2) Contrast David's attitude toward the battle with Goliath's

3) remember times in your life when you felt embatled. How did you deal with your struggles?

4) What one thing could you do today that would help you face future battles with greater faith?

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